Barnes and Noble Spring Fling
Come by Barnes and Noble in Metairie on April 5th from 1:00pm to 3:00pm where Marita Crandle will be one of the featured authors during this annual book signing event.
Come by Barnes and Noble in Metairie on April 5th from 1:00pm to 3:00pm where Marita Crandle will be one of the featured authors during this annual book signing event.
Tune in to take a sneak peek behind the creation of Mosquito-Southern Vampires: A New Orleans Penny Dreadful and see some original recipes from the book cooked up live.
Tune in to take a sneak peek behind the creation of Mosquito-Southern Vampires: A New Orleans Penny Dreadful and see some original recipes from the book cooked up live.
Come and meet the Author, have your copy of Mosquito-Southern Vampires: A New Orleans Penny Dreadful. Stay for dinner and a Cocktail
Tune in to take a sneak peek behind the creation of Mosquito-Southern Vampires: A New Orleans Penny Dreadful and see some original recipes from the book cooked up live.
Please join Marita for a virtual discussion of her book “Josie Arlington’s Storyville: The life and times of a New Orleans Madam.”
Fine Print Book Club | The Historic New Orleans Collection
Read what THNOC reads with the Fine Print Book Club (FPBC)! Join us as we read books related to the history of New Orleans and the Gulf South, then participate in the virtual book discussions with staff, authors, and fellow readers. The FPBC is an informal learning program intended to promote dialogue and connections within our community through shared reading.
"Josie Arlington’s Storyville: The Life and Times of a New Orleans Madam" with Marita Woywod Crandle; part of the Friends of the Cabildo Member Lecture Series.
All lectures begin at 6 pm. via Zoom
$10 - Non Members
Free - FOC Members
Visit to register
Purchase book at
Throughout the long nineteenth century At a time when women were denied opportunity, the lavish parlors of Storyville offered advancement for women who welcomed the vice. Mary Deubler, the Storyville madam who called herself Josie Arlington, more than welcomed carnal enterprise. A turbulent childhood forced her into a life of prostitution at an early age, but fueled by ambition, she opened a brothel that soon developed a dangerous reputation in a city famous for competitive iniquity. Devastating circumstances spun her into a new path lined with luxury. Her palace, the brothel she named the Arlington, cemented her legacy. An establishment filled with exotic girls, who added a rare air of refinement to its proffered debauchery, it allowed Josie to become something even rarer for her time: a self-made woman of vast wealth and influence. Author Marita Woywod Crandle charts Josie’s rise while painting a vivid picture of New Orleans’s red-light district.
The lectures will be an hour long and start at 6 p.m. All lectures will be on Zoom and when you sign up below you will receive a link to the zoom the morning of the lecture
Join us for a fun chat about all things Vampire and New Orleans
Join Marita for her latest interview about her New Orleans Vampires-History and Legend as well as all of her resent and upcoming projects.
Please join Marita who will be joining this “Feast” for a virtual panel discussion titled Reimagining Memory: Historical and Fantasy Fiction. She’ll be discussing how she uses her research to interject interesting facts of history into her fictional work.
For more information visit:
Marita is proud to announce that she will be attending The Louisiana Book Festival again this year promoting her third book published by History Press, Josie Arlington’s Storyville: The Life and Times of a New Orleans Madam. This marks her third appearance at this wonderful event which includes a Q and A discussion panel where she is able to speak about her recent book and is followed by a book signing.
828 N. Rampart Street
Check out the Haunted Museum while you are there!
Please join Marita for a discussion with Tubby & Coo’s about her most recent book Josie Arlington’s Storyville: The Life and Times of a New Orleans Madam.
Join author, Marita Woywod Crandle for a lecture on the woman who called herself Josie Arlington. Potions Speakeasy, 733 Bourbon Street Lecture will be followed by questions and a magical tea leaf reading included for each guest. Space is very limited. Please purchase tickets in advance at $20 per person.
Book Release Party: Josie Arlington’s Storyville: The Life and Times of a New Orleans Madam
Join us for a celebration of the woman who called herself Josie Arlington at the Cabildo, Louisiana State Museum, in Jackson Square! (second floor) Anyone attending the book signing will receive complimentary entrance to the Calibdo’s exhibits as well.
The after party will be at Potions speakeasy from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m , you will received details at the book signing, or inquire at Boutique du Vampyre,
I will be speaking on the following panel.
12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Capitol Park Museum, Third Floor Exhibit Hall
Ain’t There No More: Lost Louisiana Places
Johnny White’s Sports Bar - The Tiny Joint That Never Closed - Until it Did
Book signing in Barnes and Noble tent directly after the panel.
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Book signing for:
Johnny White’s Sports Bar - The Tiny Joint that Never Closed - Until it Did
Come out and get a signed copy.
Marita will be hosting a Writer’s Workshop at the Alvar Library in the Garden.
Listen in on Flavors Radio
December 16th, 1 PM (PST) 3 p.m. CT
Flavors is your one-stop location for all your culinary news, reviews and ideas. They are the FUN in the kitchen. They are food enthusiasts that have a true passion for food - (and hopefully drink) - as I’ll be sharing with them some of the fun recipes we created at J.W.’s for the conventions in town and our weekly theme parties.
Listen in at:
Book signing for:
Johnny White’s Sports Bar - The Tiny Joint that Never Closed - Until it did
The Kitchen Witch Cookbooks is a darling, eclectic book store with a treasure of unusual books, spices and odds and ends to explore. Join us for a fun afternoon with Debbie and Philipe. Come get some great Christmas presents stocking stuffers, and check out the book!
(504) 528-8382
Join us for a the book release party for Johnny White’s Sports Bar - the tiny joint that never closed - until it did! Written for History Press, this book takes a look at the quirky bar, how it came to be, and all the magical and crazy stories that were born there. This book signing is sure to be a reunion for J.W.’s past clientele.
We have some fun surprises in store as well. Advanced orders are available now and feature a J.W.’s T-shirt as well as the book.
Join Marita at a very magical book signing for New Orleans Vampires - History and Legend, at Tubby and Coo’s Book store. Tubby and Coo’s, with it’s floating bookcases, reminiscent of a store in the popular Harry Potter series, is known for it’s magical books, and it’s game nights. If you’re looking for something special to satisfy someone’s Christmas wish list - this is the place.
Marita will be speaking on the panel - Eerie Louisiana
The panel will be moderated by author, Alys Arden.
11:15 - noon